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Downtown Developments & Construction Updates

Livermore Downtown Inc has partnered with the City of Livermore to bring Downtown Businesses and the Livermore community on-going downtown construction updates.*

Livermore Downtown, Inc. provides its services to all businesses and properties that are located in the downtown core. As such, this page will reflect projects and work within that core only. Our district encompasses Old First Street to P Street and Fourth Street to Railroad Avenue. 

*Please keep in mind, this information is subject to change without advance notice. The information on this website is for general informational purposes only. Although every effort has been made to provide complete and accurate information, Livermore Downtown Inc makes no warranties, express or implied, or representations as to the accuracy of content on this website. Livermore Downtown Inc assumes no liability or responsibility for any error or omissions in the information contained in the website or the operation of the website.


For all other construction updates and timely notifications in downtown read on below!

Construction updates are listed here chronologically with the most current, or up to date information towards the top! 

If you have questions regarding specific areas, feel free to email and we'll do our best to connect you to the appropriate agency or resource. 

March 3rd, 2025

The L-Street Garage contractor will be closing the right lane of NB S L Street for 30 days starting Monday 3/3 to allow them to safely construct the frontage improvements (curbs, sidewalks) on the west side of the building.

March 3rd, 2025

Blacksmith Square will be pouring concrete early on Monday, March 3rd. Setup is scheduled between 4:30–5:00 AM, with noise beginning around 5:30–6:00 AM.

February 18th, 2025

Starting 2/19, the will once again move out their construction fencing and setup the pedestrian pathway as it was before the start of Q4 last year.

Allowing the contractor to store these equipment in this area will give them more room around, and inside, the structure to allow them to work more efficiently and improve their progress rate.

February 12th, 2025

The City's contractor will begin work on the the Livermore Village Trash Enclosure on Wednesday (2/19/25) with an expected duration of one (1) month.

Most of the work will be conducted behind a fenced area (see yellow area below).

There will be times where the contractor will need the area directly north of the trash enclosure for material deliveries and setting the system equipment (see red area below).

This will make the parking stalls directly north of that area unavailable.

This Delivery area (red) will be used sparingly and only as needed.

S K Street will remain open at all times for Deliveries to the businesses.

November 6th, 2024

CalWater will be working these nights Downtown:

  1. 11/6 (Wed)-11/7 (Thurs) - They will be in the pedestrian alley way between Caratti Jewelers and The Little & Brave on Wed and Thurs night to relocate the water lateral and meters as part of the Garage Project. They plan to begin work shortly after businesses closes. The alley way will be closed off during their construction work. Water will be shut off on Thurs night (12MN to 6AM) to transfer services to the new lines. Affected businesses have been notified.
  2. 11/7 (Thurs) - CWS will be on 2nd Street between S N St. & S O St. Thurs night to replace a water main that affects the laundromat. There will be a service shut off between 8PM-12MN. Affected customers have been notified. Prep work will be performed during the day due to City Noise ordinance.

August 16, 2024

Please note upcoming work in the downtown are that may impact you. Comcast is doing a node switch (upgrading equipment for customers). This will cause service interruption to some businesses, as stated in their mailed notification. Please note the written notice from Comcast stated a later start time. This work is now scheduled to occur on Monday 8/19/24 beginning at 6AM and taking approximately 5 hours. The work being performed is low noise impact allowing for an earlier start time to try and avoid service interruption to customers during peak business hours. The 5-hour work window should be completed by 11AM.

The attached PDF is a map showing the services that will be interrupted during the node switch (upgrading equipment for customers).

Work location is on Old First Street near 2589 Old First Street, but please reference the map showing impacted areas.

We hope you can use this notice to prepare in advance for any POS, mobile POS or Hot Spot internet systems you may want to put into place.

June 26, 2024

This will be NIGHT WORK.

WHEN: Monday 7/1/24 & 7/2/24

TIME: 8:00PM to 6:00AM

*Full intersection closure only scheduled for Monday 7/1 but may extend to 7/2 depending on progress.

*Expect lane closures around intersection on 7/2.

Please see map below for closure limits.

DETOURS ROUTES will be in place.

June 7, 2024

Upcoming work at the intersection of Railroad Ave and Livermore Ave.

The electrical contractor for the Railroad Ave. Improvement Project will be working on the signals at this intersection next week.

Mainly to remove and install traffic signal heads and calibrating video detection cameras.

This work will occur on 6/11/24 (Monday) and 6/12/24 (Tuesday).

Please expect lane closures on all directions of the intersection with the traffic signals set on all-flash between 9:00AM to 3:30PM.

March 27, 2024

Zovich Construction will be completing installation of the SVE Pipe on the South End of K Street starting on Wednesday March 27th thru Friday March 29th, 2024 (Weather Permitting). This work should only affect traffic on the South End of K Street. Particularly Delivery Vehicles. Zovich will guide trucks that require assistance backing into K Street for deliveries.

March 7, 2024

You may have noticed that we have started up a new construction project to make improvements to Railroad Ave. between K Street and I Street.

The contractor is temporarily using a portion of the downtown parking lot as a laydown area. This location is shown in the drawing below.

We will move the contractor out of this area next week and over to the empty property north of Railroad Ave. on K Street.

Also please be aware that the Blacksmith Square Expansion contractor will be using a portion of the parking area for laydown area when the project starts up around the end of April. This date is contingent on when their building permit is approved and when they decide to start construction.

This location is north of the Quest site and is shown below.

For both projects we are requesting the construction workers to park north of Railroad Ave.

There will be some work performed on K Street (south) starting on Monday 2/26/2024 and concluding on Thursday 2/29/2024 that will require reduction of travel lanes on K Street to One Lane. We have included an aerial photo showing the affected the parking spaces that will be unavailable during this period. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have. Directional signs will be in place at the start of work shift on Monday 2/26/2024.

December 6, 2023

Downtown Parking Enforcement Reminder!

The City has received feedback from local businesses who have expressed the need to enforce our downtown’s long-established time parking limits in order to best support business owners, their patron’s and their businesses success. To support our local businesses, a third-party contractor, under the supervision of the Livermore Police Department, will actively enforce the long-established time parking limits in the downtown core. Please see the attached map for time limits. When parking, please pay attention to the signs that indicate the time limits in that particular space. Violators could face fines of $55.

We know parking is temporarily limited due to construction downtown, and we encourage downtown business owners and employees to park in long-term parking spaces so nearby spaces can remain open for customers eating at restaurants or patronizing any other downtown businesses.

A strong parking enforcement plan will contribute to the timely turnover of parking spaces and increase the availability of spaces for downtown patrons. We hope that you’ll join us in supporting our downtown businesses. The Livermore Police Department asks that you help spread the word about following the parking time limits while parking downtown.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation. Exciting additions are ahead for downtown Livermore!

Please click here for a downloadable PDF version of the map below.

October 9, 2023

Ongoing Downtown Construction Project Timeline - Updated 9/28/2023

Please click here for a downloadable PDF version of the below timeline.

Sept 12, 2023


The contractor for the L-street garage will be closing the sidewalk on the EAST side of S L Street from Veterans Way to the gas station starting tomorrow 9/13/23.

Please refer to the latest spreadsheet below for additional updates.

Contractor will be installing a detour on First St and Railroad Ave to re-direct pedestrians to the WEST sidewalk (Legacy side).

Work to install the crosswalk and flashing beacons by Veterans way will also begin soon. This work will not affect access through the WEST sidewalk.

Sept 6 2023

Ongoing Downtown Construction Project Timeline - Updated 9/5/2023

Please click here for a downloadable PDF version of the below timeline.

Aug 23, 2023

Our contractor resumed work on 8/18 for the electrical trench that will power the garage. As shown in the attachment and the figure below, this work requires narrowing Veterans Way down to one way traffic east to west. We had this configuration a couple months ago when the trench was excavated.

This work is scheduled to be completed by September 22, 2023.

During this period deliveries can be made along Veterans Way as well as the loading zone next to the Alehouse patio.

Click HERE to download the below image.

August 2, 2023

Downtown Project updates for 8-2-23.

The biggest upcoming topics:

  • Converting back to one-way traffic between Veterans Way and the back gravel parking lot when work resumes on the PG&E power trench next Tuesday August 8th.
  • Between August 8 to 11 pavement rehabilitation work will reroute traffic around the South Livermore/4th Street intersection.
  • The sidewalk is going to be constructed 8/14/23 to 8/24/23 south of the garage. This will impact access from the alley between Murphy’s Paws and Caratti Jewelers to the Alehouse.
  • The sidewalk on Railroad Ave. north of Legacy is scheduled to open back up on August 11th.

CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: Ongoing project timeline update. Click HERE to view a downloadable PDF.

July 6, 2023

CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: Ongoing project timeline update. Click HERE to view a downloadable PDF.

June 23, 2023

Veteran's Way During Trench Work 

June 1, 2023

California Water Service (Cal Water) is pleased to inform you that the water infrastructure upgrade project is coming to a close in the Livermore downtown area. Thank you for your patience. The final portion of the project is to install finished paving over all areas of construction and slurry seal the street surface.

The finished paving work is scheduled to take place Monday through Thursday, 6/5/2023-6/8/2023. We are scheduled to conduct work during daytime hours, so we will be starting work at 7:00am. We want to ease some of the impact to the downtown area by shortening the time we spend in front of any business, so we plan is to isolate and complete the paving on each street separately.

The finished paving work will consist of two parts: grinding the existing asphalt and laying the new finished asphalt. Grinding will cause the most disruption to the surrounding businesses, so for the paving sections on J St and K St, between First St and Second St, the grinding will be finished by 11:00am.

The schedule for each day is listed below:

  • Monday, 6/5/2023 -
    • 2000 block of S. J St. - from First St to Second St.
    • 2100 block of S. K St. - from Second St. to Third St.
  • Tuesday, 6/6/2023 -
    • 2000 block of S. K St - from First St to Second St.
    • 2100 block of S. K St. - from Second St. to Third St.
  • Wednesday, 6/7/2023 -

2000 block of S. L St. - from First St to Second St.

Map attached to the end of the letter.

The paving scheduled for J St and K St will have the streets closed for the to all traffic for the day. We will display “No Parking” signs 72 hours in advance indicating the dates and times for vehicle relocation during construction. We are making every effort to minimize traffic disruption and complete each section of paving in the designated day.

May 30, 2023

Livermore Legacy will start the grinding and overlay of S L Street and First Street tomorrow.


Lane closures on S L Street and North side of first Street for 2 days to pave/overlay streets.

-(S L Street) Traffic will be shifted to EAST side of the street in the morning, and then moved over to the WEST side in the afternoon.

-(WB 1st Street) will be closed and detoured 2nd street to allow grinding/paving - Closure will be in the morning and re-opened before business hours (11am)

-(1st Street) After 11 AM, Both directions of traffic will be open but shifted to the North side to work on a small area at the corner of S M Street – S M street between 1st & 2ndwill be closed during this time

Vehicular and pedestrian detours will be in place along with advance warning signs.

This will be the closure sequence for May 31 and June 1.

May 26, 2023

CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: Ongoing project timeline update. Click HERE to view a downloadable PDF.

May 18, 2023

CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: "L Street Garage Area Schedule and Impacts" and "Veterans Way Detour Map" 

Beginning May 22 and going through June there will be a detour in place at Veterans Way. Please view the below maps for details regarding the ongoing projects.  The “L Street Garage Area Schedule and Impacts” gives detailed information about the project. The “Veterans Way Detour Map” is simplified shows how traffic on Veterans Way will be detoured around the construction site starting on May 22nd.

We will follow up with maps that single out deliveries, pedestrian access, and parking during construction as they become available to us. Alternative parking is available at the Livermore Valley Center Parking Structure at 2350 Railroad Ave and directly adjacent to that at the I Street Garage also accessible via Railroad Ave.

Click here to download a viewable PDF of the BELOW map.

Click here to download a viewable PDF of the BELOW map.

May 3rd, 2023

CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: General update to long term plans.

Please download the below image for larger viewing in a PDF format by clicking here.

April 28, 2023

CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: General update to long term plans.

Please download the below image for larger viewing in a PDF format by clicking here.

April 19, 2023

CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: General update to long term plans.

Please download the below image for larger viewing in a PDF format by clicking here.

April 12, 2023

CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: Cal Water Service - Water Main Replacement Project.

Please download the below images for larger viewing in a PDF format by clicking here.

Please download the above images for larger viewing in a PDF format by clicking here.

March 30, 2023

CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: General update to long term plans.

Please download the below image for larger viewing in a PDF format by clicking here.

February 22, 2023

CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: General update to long term plans.

Please download the below image for larger viewing in a PDF format by clicking here.

February 2, 2023

CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: General update to long term plans.

Please download the below image for larger viewing in a PDF format by clicking here.

January 26, 2023


Update on the Comcast work to install a new high-speed line in the parking area behind the downtown businesses: Comcast has installed their conduit from Sunrise Mountain to the west side of the First St. Ale house. 

They will not be on site for the remainder of this week.

Starting next week, from 1/31/23 to 2/4/23, they will be open-trenching (in sections) between the Ale house and S L Street (highlighted below)

This work will be at NIGHT (7PM-3:30AM).

-They will be posting NO PARKING signs this week (effective only at NIGHT after 6PM)

-The alley way will be closed during trenching for safety of the public.

-Site will be restored every night for regular use during the day.

January 23, 2023

CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: Comcast to begin work downtown.

Comcast will begin construction of the new comm line along the backside of the north side businesses in downtown. They will be working NIGHTS (7PM-3:30PM) starting this Monday 1/23/23. Work will begin at the EAST end behind Sunrise Mountain and work towards the west all the way to S L Street. Work areas will be restored each night to allow daytime use.

Notifications (door hangers) were posted 2 weeks ago. The Comcast representative and City of Livermore walked door to door to remind businesses. NO PARKING signs were posted on 1/20/23. Comcast also left business cards should there be any issues. If you have any further questions, please contact LDI and we can connect you to the right person. 

December 23, 2022

CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: (see image below)

Please be advised that the City of Livermore will be conducting surveys in the areas shown in red on the map below (First Street and L Street). These areas will be barricaded and site surveys will be conducted beginning late night on December 27th until approximately 1:00 PM on December 28th, 2022. 

November 11, 2022

CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: (see image below, or download image here)

September 18, 2022


Please see the attached PG&E schedule for the weeks of 9/12-9/30 for the ongoing project to replace the gas distribution main and services through downtown Livermore.
This is not a new project, it is part of the ongoing service that you have been seeing. The work will be on S. Livermore Ave. We'll continue to keep you updated as we receive information.

September 15, 2022



-Legacy contractor encountered issues with the sewer lateral work on 1st street and had to postpone the work. NO FURTHER CLOSURES on 1st Street this week. Will inform you once the lane closure/work has been rescheduled.

September 14, 2022



-Contractor will be working on Demolition and Site Excavation inside the fenced area for the next 2 weeks.

-Expect dump truck leaving the site – “TRUCKS ENTERING AND LEAVING” Warning signs will be posted during haul off days.

-“BUSINESSES OPEN DURING CONSTRUCTION” signs and Traffic directional signs were installed along the perimeter of the construction fence.


Scheduled Traffic Control Schedule

-Starting 9/14/22 Right Lane on SB S L Street will be closed for MAX of 4-weeks – Contractor will be working on S L Street frontage improvements.

-9/16 Right Lane Closure on Eastbound Railroad Ave. – Contractor will be working on sidewalk construction - “BUSINESSES OPEN DURING CONSTRUCTION” signs and REDUCE SPEED signs will be posted along the closure area.

-9/14/22-9/16/22, 9/19/22 – Regular lane closures on 1st Street between S L Street and S M Street – Contractor will be working on Sewer Later tie in


PG&E will continue restoration work for their new gas main on S Livermore Ave.

Scheduled Traffic Control Schedule

-There will be lane closures on different sections of SB S Livermore throughout the next 2 weeks. NOT CONCURRENTLY. – This includes minor detours (Please attached map for more details on locations)

-9/21/22 – Lane Closure on RT lane of Northbound S L Street @ 4th Street

September 12, 2022


-Contractor for the Livermore Legacy Apartments (SBI) will continue to work on Railroad Ave frontage all this week. Right lane closure on eastbound Railroad Ave. beginning today 9/12/22.

-Contractor to close the outside lane of SB S L Street between Railroad Ave. and First Street during construction of the S L Street frontage (MAX of 4 weeks) beginning 9/14/22. Turn restrictions are not permitted with this closure.

-Lane closure and frontage work on S L Street will begin on 9/14/22. “BUSINESSES OPEN DURING CONSTRUCTION” signs and REDUCE SPEED signs will be posted along the S L Street closure area.

-Expect lane closures on 1st Street (between S L and S M Street) on Tuesday 9/13/22 through 9/16/22 and the week of 9/19/22 for pot holing and sewer work.


Please see attached weekly schedule update for our ongoing project to replace the gas distribution main and services along S Livermore Ave.

September 9, 2022

One minor update: The scheduled lane closures on 1st street (between S L and S “M” Street) for Legacy Sewer and Water work was cancelled today due to equipment breaking down. Scheduled work for the week of 9/12/22 on First Street will proceed as noted on the update.

September 8, 2022

The City has just given Cal Water permission to continue work on a water lateral stub out for the L-Street garage on NB S L Street TOMORROW, 9/9/22

Please expect a Right Lane Closure on NB S L Street (mainly between 1st street and Railroad Ave)

 -Due to the delay of public notification (posting of message board), The City did not allow Legacy/SBI to close the outside lane of SB S L Street between Railroad Ave. and First Street on Monday 9/12/22 – Closure will begin on 9/14/22 (Wednesday).

-PG&E were able to schedule a crew to place back the striping on SB S L Street this morning. Since it was prior to most businesses opening, I allowed them to proceed to lessen the impact.

All other previously noted lane closures to proceed as scheduled.

September 8, 2022




WEEK OF: 9/5/22 and 9/12/22


-Contractor will continue demolition work inside the fenced area this week and next. Work was suspended this week due to extreme hot weather.

-Expect dump truck leaving the site – “TRUCKS ENTERING AND LEAVING” Warning signs will be posted during haul off days.

-“BUSINESSES OPEN DURING CONSTRUCTION” signs and Traffic directional signs were installed along the perimeter of the construction fence.


-PG&E completed restoration of S L Street Pavement yesterday.

-PG&E will be restoring permanent striping on SB S L Street Next week – City of Livermore will confirm specific date once received.


-Contractor for the Livermore Legacy Apartments (SBI) will continue to work on Railroad Ave frontage all this week and next. Expect a right lane closure on eastbound Railroad Ave. on Monday 9/12/22.

-Contractor to close the outside lane of SB S L Street between Railroad Ave. and First Street during construction of the S L Street frontage (MAX of 4 weeks). Turn restrictions are not permitted with this closure.

-Lane closure and frontage work on S L Street will not begin until the week of 9/12/22. “BUSINESSES OPEN DURING CONSTRUCTION” signs and REDUCE SPEED signs will be posted along the S L Street closure area.

-Expect lane closures on 1st Street (between S L and S M Street) on Friday 9/10/22 and the week of 9/12/22 for water and sewer work.


-PG&E currently adjusting utility lids and backfilling and plugging trenches this week

-PG&E will be paving roadway on the week of 9/12/22

-There will be lane closures on different sections of SB S Livermore throughout the next 2 weeks. NOT CONCURRENTLY.

– This includes minor detours

September 2, 2022



*There will be NO CONSTRUCTION WORK on 9/5/22 (Labor Day)


Contractor will continue demolition work inside the fenced area all of next week.

Expect dump truck leaving the site – “TRUCKS ENTERING AND LEAVING” Warning signs will be posted during haul off days.

“BUSINESSES OPEN DURING CONSTRUCTION” signs and Traffic directional signs were installed along the perimeter of the construction fence.


PG&E is scheduled to complete their work on S L Street on 9/7/22 – They will be working on restoration on 9/6 & 9/7


Contractor for the Livermore Legacy Apartments (SBI) will continue to work on Railroad Ave frontage all of next week.

Expect right lane closure on Eastbound Railroad Avenue on Tuesday 9/6/22.

For safety of the public and workers, the City has allowed SBI to close the outside lane of SB S L Street between Railroad Ave. and First Street during construction of the S L Street frontage (MAX of 4 weeks). Advance message board will be posted today to notify commuters. Turn restrictions are not permitted with this closure. Lane closure and frontage work on S L Street will not begin until the week of 9/12/22. “BUSINESSES OPEN DURING CONSTRUCTION” signs and REDUCE SPEED signs will be posted along the S L Street closure area.


PG&E and their contractor distributed notification letters out to the businesses on S Livermore Ave. this week

PG&E posted NO PARKING signs along S Livermore Ave this week and will begin restoration work next week on different sections of S Livermore Ave. from Veterans Way to Third Street (starting 9/6/22).

Expect lane closures along Southbound Livermore Ave.