Livermore Downtown Inc., is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit. Your contributions directly support Livermore Downtown Inc's mission which is dedicated to promoting the economic health and vitality of downtown Livermore.

Aside from all of the wonderful, year-round events you love to experience downtown, Livermore Downtown Inc supports our downtown community in many additional ways:
Livermore Downtown Inc. is a certified National Main Street Program and 2009 Great American Main Street Award recipient. LDI is dedicated to focusing on the National Main Street’s Four Point Approach to Downtown Revitalization:
Four Point Approach
Economic Vitality
Please visit our about page to learn more!
Scan the QR code on the right with your phone's camera to make a donation via Venmo. No donation is too small.
You can also click here to visit our page.
We are truly grateful for your support!